If you're not Gay, how does it affect your life? It doesn't.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gay Marriage. The gay marriage debate has become a contentious and controversial issue on the national scene.

Everyone has the right to their opinion and free speech.  I'm a black heterosexual female.  My opinion...it’s none of my business who a person loves and/or chooses to marry, same sex or not.  As far as I’m concerned it’s a matter of equal rights, another form of discrimination and more significantly what I call OPB…Other People’s Business. If you're not gay, why is this such a big issue when it doesn't have any impact what so ever on your personal life?  It's amazing how much wisdom people have about other people’s affairs and so little interest in their own. 

The opposition to gay marriage is based on the religious belief that it's a sin.  Okay, so why are you so worried about it?  That's their fate, not yours.  The bible also includes other sins (e.g. thou shall not commit adultery, steal, bear false witness against thy neighbor and shall honor your father and mother).  I wonder how many of these sins have been committed by those who so vigorously oppose gay marriage?
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.  (1 Peter 4:8)"

Folks need to ‘stay in their lane’ and stop judging people simply because they’re different than themselves.  God made all of us and he doesn’t make mistakes.  It is He and He alone who will pass final judgment on all of us.

We’ve got some Black Pastors Launching An Anti Obama Campaign urging blacks not to vote for President Barack Obama because he supports gay marriage.  My issue isn't with their belief, but with the potential political collateral damage their actions could have.  I find it extremely irritating that these Black Pastors are actually telling their congregations, and blacks in general, not to vote for President Barack Obama, based solely on this single issue.  Really?  Apparently these pastors have forgotten American history, the African American history of our own struggle for civil rights and equality.  Countless numbers of our ancestors gave their lives fighting for the right for blacks to vote.  Now you have the audacity to tell us not to vote and/or to vote on a single issue...how dare you?  

Now we have the Chick-Fil-A controversy which surfaced after the company's president made anti-gay remarks condemning gay marriage.  Again, my issue isn't with his belief.  It's with the reaction to his statement from our elected officials around the country who are threatening to ban the franchise from their states.  Really?  This is indicative of many of our self-serving 'do nothing' elected officials.  It's all about political posturing and demagoguery.  They can spend time and tax payer dollars fighting for everything except issues that would have a direct positive impact on their constituents.

To the Black Pastors:   
  • Shouldn’t you be encouraging your parishioners and the community to vote for whomever they think is best suited for their political beliefs and promoting voter registration?   
  • If you want to campaign against something, why not join and/or promote the fight against Republican voter suppression?   
  • Do you realize this is a form of hate speech and that you're promoting hate?
  • Young children and adults are committing suicide everyday resulting from anti-gay bullying?  Have you considered the impact your stance and actions could have on these individuals?
  • Aren’t you supposed to promote peace and love for all?  

To the Elected Officials:
  • Aren’t you supposed to be advocates to bring business to your city to help create jobs?   
  • What are you doing about the gun control issue, trying to stop the flow of guns into your city and averting senseless gun deaths occurring every day around the country?   
  • What about our seniors who can’t afford their medicine, health care and housing?
  • What about the homeless?
  • What about the corroding school systems?
  • Aren't these some of the issues you were elected by your constituents (some of whom are gay) to resolve?

I'll continue to pray for all of us and leave the judging up to God.

~  JJBlogster  ~